I think it is safe to say that most of us will be making New Year’s resolutions in the days to come; and this is a good thing, because resolutions show that we want to improve our lives.
Usually we want to improve our physical appearance; so we make a resolution to lose weight. Or we want to improve our career; so we make a resolution to return to school and get a degree. And we might want to improve our social or family life; so we make a resolution to get out more often or to spend more time with the family.
But do you know there is a kind of resolution that can improve every area of our lives?
In fact, Jesus Himself said that when we practice these “resolutions” we would be blessed and enjoy God’s favor.
They are the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3-12.
Make them your New Year’s resolutions for a truly happy new year.
New Year’s Resolutions
¨       Blessed are the poor in spirit . . . I will wait patiently and humbly on God and not try to force His hand on a person or in a situation through violence, witchcraft, manipulation, or even prayer and fasting.
¨       Blessed are you who mourn . . . I will have zero tolerance toward sin in my life.
¨       Blessed are the meek . . . I will trust in God rather than in my own strength or in favors from powerful people.
¨       Blessed are you who hunger and thirst after righteousness . . . I will work passionately on behalf of the weak, the poor, and the vulnerable to see God’s justice done in their lives.
¨       Blessed are the merciful . . . I will show compassion toward anyone in need. I will hurt no one.
¨       Blessed are the pure in heart . . . I will serve God with an undivided heart; I will be a hot not a lukewarm Christian.
¨       Blessed are the peacemakers . . . I will seek to bring peace and reconciliation where I encounter disagreement or discord.
¨       Blessed are you who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness .  .  .  I will endure suffering for the honor of God’s name and His glory, not for money, pride, or other foolishness.
¨       Blessed are you when people insult you . . . I will rejoice and be glad when I am punished for standing up for what is right and what pleases God.

Have a happy and blessed New Year!


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