21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Prayer Quotes

" No man can do a great and enduring work for God who is not a man of prayer, and no man can be a man of prayer who does not give much time to praying- E.M. Bounds

"If we ever forget our basic character-My house is a house of prayer-we might as well close the church doors" -James Stewart

"To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world"- Karl Barth

"Focusing on the personal prayer life only would be equivalent to trying to fly a plane on one wing"- John

"What we cannot obtain by solitary prayer we may by social... because where our individual strength fails, there union and concord are effectual" Chrysostom 400 AD

"Prayer raises my sight beyond the petty or as in Job's case dire circumstances of daily life to afford a glimpse of that lovely perspective. Philip Yancey

Prayer Model/ The Lord's Prayer Luke 11:1-4

Seven major topics that represents Seven Basic Human Needs

Our Father-The paternal need

Hallowed be thy name-God's presence

Thy kingdom come- God's priorities

Give us this day our daily bread-God's provision

Forgive us our trespass and forgive those who trespass against us-God's forgiveness

Lead us not into temptation-Power over Satan

For thine is the kingdom/power the glory-Divine partnership

Seven Blessings  For Families-Sylvia Gunter

Spiritual blessings-Come Holy Spirit, give our family a revelation of God as Abba father

Emotional blessings-Come give our family a revelation of Jesus as healer of emotions

Mental blessings-Come spirit of truth and remove blinders of deception from our minds so that we may know the truth and have godly wisdom and discernment

Personal Blessings-Come give us a sense of our personal value in Christ. Plant in us God- given vision for Your calling on our lives. Give us favor with God and with man

Blessings of right relationship with authority- Come teach us submission to God-given authority and counsel

Physical blessings. Come cover us with Your protective hedge of safety, strength and good health. We plead Psalm 91

Financial Blessings Come give us Your provision and right relationship to what You give. Let us acknowledge You as our Source and Provider.

I pray blessings. I speak blessings. Not by might, nor by power, but by His Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit into our greatest needs and give us a revelation of Jesus.

Do not forget as you present other thoughts, how we connect through prayers-not just praying for ourselves but for others.



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