Why Did Jesus Do It?

Why did Jesus do it? Why did He go through it all?
There is a song about King Edward VIII of England, written and performed by a blind Bahamian musician whose stage name was Blind Blake. In 1936 King Edward gave up his throne so that he could marry Wallis Simpson, a divorcĂ©e. The world was shocked. “Why would he give up his kingdom, with all its wealth and power and glory?” people asked. Blind Blake answered their question with a cleverness that suggested that if he, a blind man, could see why King Edward gave up his throne, then it should be obvious to the seeing world! “It was love!” Blind Blake sang, “love alone that caused King Edward to leave the throne!”
Why did Jesus leave His throne? Why did He give up the glory He had with the Father before the creation of the world? Why did He take on human life then suffer and die?
It was love, love alone that caused King Jesus to leave His throne. God’s love for us was the reason God the Son left His throne, with all its glory and splendor and power, to die like a poor, disgraced criminal. God loves us immeasurably!
The Lord Jesus knew that His death and resurrection were the only way that human beings could be restored to right relationship with the Father and with one another. Jesus wants us to enjoy the kind of intimacy with God the Father and God the Spirit that He does.
On this Good Friday, take Jesus up on His offer of love.
Think about His love
Think about His goodness
Think about His grace
That's brought us through
For as high as the heavens above
So great is the measure
Of our Father's love

Great is the measure
Of our Father's love
So great is the measure
Of our Father's love

Great is the measure
Of our Father's love

(Walt Harrah)


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