
Showing posts from September, 2017

Parents, Be Encouraged

Why you’re important In keeping with 1 Thessalonians 5:11, I want to encourage parents and build you up in the good work you are doing as parents. I think most of you know how important you are parents. Your role is important not only to your children. Most significant of all, your role as parents is also important to God. Your children are not your possession to do with what you will. The Lebanese-American poet Kahlil Gibran wrote that our children are not our children.…they come through us but not from us, and though they are with us yet they don’t belong to us. Psalm 127 at verse 3 tells us that “children are a gift from the L ord ; they are a reward from him.” This verse reminds us that our children belong first to God. God presents each child to us as a gift. It does not matter the circumstances of their birth. Because nothing catches God by surprise. He has a place and purpose for every child that is conceived; a place and purpose for every child that is born. So when you