
Showing posts from March, 2017

Stop! Don’t Throw Away Half the Ham

Earlier this month I traveled to my home-country to attend the 94th biennial convention of the Church of God of Prophecy in The Bahamas. While I have traveled home fairly often the past seven years, to attend funerals and weddings, this particular visit got me thinking about traditions. We use traditions to pass on beliefs and values from generation to generation. Why do we hold on to certain traditions? How are we using our traditions to connect with people of different generations? I remember a “parable” I once heard Dr. Myles Munroe tell about a poor family that received a leg ham every Christmas. The mother would cut the ham in half, throw away one half and cook the other. She did this every Christmas, just like her mother had done when she was a child. In time the daughter got married and moved into her own house, and at Christmastime she bought a leg ham. She cut the ham in half, threw away one half and cooked the other. When her shocked husband asked her why she threw away